Monday, 23 March 2015

Evaluation- 3.What kind of media instituion might distribute your media product and why?

Firstly, I think my media product would appeal to Bauer media because they specialise in rock magazines as you can see above Kerrang the UK's number one rock magazine belong to Bauer media group. From my magazine you can clearly see that it is of a rock genre, the colour scheme used is dark and it fits in with the theme alongside the gothic images of my models that have been used. The cover lines too also represent the rock and would appeal to people that wanted to read about it. The article also would appeal to teenagers who aspire to be rock icons because Manson evolved from being no one. The clothing that I've used too is typical for what rockers wear and I found this out through my research. Bauer are a huge company with over 22 million UK consumers every week with their huge portfolio of world class multi platform media and entertainment brands. Therefore, I believe my product would fit in greatly alongside their main brands like Kiss FM, Grazier and Magic radio station.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Second Draft- R.O.C.K

This is my second draft of my front cover. Here I've added many more images and cover lines. However, for my final draft I need to make it clear which cover line is the main one for this magazine. I also need to re position some things so that text is'nt covering the models face.

This is my second draft to my contents page. I decided to use a different model, and a more rock themed background. I also included images of what the articles are inside the magazine. However, I have only used 3, and next time I will write about the other articles in the magazine, so that the reader know what is inside.

This is my second draft of my double page spread. I have included more pull quotes so that the reader knows what is inside the article. However, i need to make sure that I put a page number on each page. I also need to create an album cover and add this to the page so that the readers know the artist's music.