Sunday, 16 November 2014

Nature Magazine

The task we had to carry out was creating a Nature Magazine. The main reason why I chose to use this image was because it was very bright and it really stood out, it also focused on the leaves, which highlights the factthat its a nature magazine. I then uploaded the image we took onto photoshop and played around with it, i edited it to make it brighter, and i had to make sure the image wasn't too blury when i changed the image's size. I then tried different fonts and colours and decided the white looked best against the colour of the leaves, as it stood out more. This gave me an idea how to get used to photoshop and how im going to plan my preliminary task. I found it challenging when i had to rescale the image and change its size, also it was difficult making sure when the image was englared that the resolution wasn't blurred. Finally, next time i will work on being more creative and ambitious.

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